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We love sharing what we do. We think it makes us all stronger and more equipped to do our jobs together. Join us at our upcoming events or use our plentiful resources to engage in your ongoing learning to be the best team member and team leader you can be.
October 22, '22
Is hybrid teaming the worst of both worlds? We hear you loud and clear, “Hybrid teaming is HARD!” Yes, we always knew it would pose novel circumstances and challenges, but we're here to share how hybrid teaming can be the best of both worlds. Adjustments to team meetings, proximity bias, and altered communication are all new hurdles teams are facing, perhaps for the first time. And we come with news: your leaders and team members feel this change deeply and are looking to you for guidance during these times. But here’s the catch – Leaders can’t fix teams. Teams fix teams. So, the question becomes, how can you equip your people with pragmatic, real-world tools that puts the power back in their hands for long-lasting change? This interactive and participative webinar explores the proven way world-class teams and leaders foster fast-cycle, high-impact improvement based on a team’s own insights and wisdom. The process is data-proven and inherently inclusive of diverse perspectives, bringing out the deepest insights and ownership for the team on its journey toward improvement. Join us to experience these cutting-edge teaming tools so your hybrid team is equipped for long-term success. It’s a journey that will change your team for the better and you’re invited exactly as you are. Let's chart a way forward, together.
Coming Q1 '23
If you are an independent trainer and you're looking to add a team-based solution to your offerings, join us to become a trained and certified Team Elements Guide over a 5-week training program.
Coming Q1 '23
If you are an independent Team Coach interested in adding Team Elements to your service offerings, join us for a 10-week Team Elements Coach training and certification program.
BMI Dialogic Authors Panel #2
Date TBD
This first in the series of conversations about Dialogic OD and the implications across industry. Answer the questions: What is the secret/sacred sauce of transformation? What are the essential principles/processes for generating transformational change? Please join for an online, global conversation on this topic, hosted by the Faculty of the Bushe-Marshak Institute for Dialogic OD. We'll begin with a small panel discussing their perspectives on the topic, then open it up for dialog. Anyone interested in change leadership is welcome to particiate.
Team Coaching Studio Virtual Event on Dialogic Team Coaching
Coming Q1 '23
Join us for a brief exploration of dialogic team coaching then dive into how theoretical perspective and pragmatic application mix seamlessly. Our Founder and CEO, Ben Bratt, will lead a conversation that deepens your understanding while stimulating ways we can help build the dialogic mindset into your work.
ODN Book Club on The Team Discovered
Coming Q1 '23
Our Founder and CEO, Ben Bratt leads a 90-minute facilitated dialogue hosted by the Organization Design Network discussing the concepts outlined in his book, The Team Discovered. Join us to learn the essentials of dialogic team coaching from an expert and discuss the implications in a community of OD practitioners.
Cap Cod Institute - Dialogic Team Coaching: Our Role and Craft as the Team's Co-Discoverers
Coming Q1 '23
Over four, 4-hour sessions, participants will experience a series of learning events in which we connect the deep need for Dialogic Team Coaching in contemporary organizations to the pragmatic use of ourselves, our mindsets, our methods, and our tools
Make a free account to our network on MightyNetworks to watch all of our videos in full. No payment is necessary at any time. Totally free, forever. Plus you'll get additional benefits available to network members and be notified for upcoming events!
Authors in the BMI Series in Dialogic Organization Development talk about "The Secret Sauce of Transformation"
People are feeling overwhelmed trying to navigate cohesion and a hybrid workplace. A lot of folks are scratching their heads asking, "How do I manage a team that might only get together virtually once a week?" People are leaving organizations and teams because they don't feel seen, heard, valued, or appreciated. This is having both a cultural and economic impact on organizations.
We know this to be true, every team is unique. There are a lot of conversations about diversity and inclusion and belonging, but it goes further than this, truly every single one of us is radically unique. From our DNA to our life experiences to how we contribute, we are all unique. Which, by simple logic means each team is totally unique as it is filled with diverse, unique people.
Managers and leaders often carry a burden that sounds like "my team is dysfunctional and I don't know what to do", but the truth is, managers and leaders do not fix teams. Instead, teams fix teams. So if we start to look at the team and the leader as an intact and interdependent system, then we create space for the leader to engage in a dialogue about what is and isn't working with choice, intentionality, and ownership.
Our values are rooted in the acronym of PEACO. Which stands for pragmatism, empathy, abundance, curiosity, and optimism. All of our engagements are rooted in each of these values.
The Team Elements approach is rooted in four major pillars. First, finding where individaul ownership meets collective accountability. Second, using targeted data to create robust discussion, resulting in key insights. Third, defining tangible actions for rapid improvement. Fourth, honoring a team's unique diversity.
Our philosophy focuses on the team rather than just the individuals that make up the team. Instead, we look at the space "between us" and how that "alchemy" creates noticeable differences in our own subjective experience of work and objective success for the team.
Interview of Markus Koehler, General Manager of HR at Microsoft, who speaks to his expereince as a leader of a team who went through The Guided Path. He speaks to both the way the team navigated the Path together and the impacts he saw as a result.
The Team Elements App is designed to be used twice in each engagement. Once at the beginning of an engagement, which opens dialogue and helps to identify potential focus areas. Then once again at the end to track and appreciate qualitative differences that have arisen within the team as a result of their dedicated work. Watch Ben walk through a real team's results, by Element.
The Team Elements App is designed to be used twice in each engagement. Once at the beginning of an engagement, which opens dialogue and helps to identify potential focus areas. Then once again at the end to track and appreciate qualitative differences that have arisen within the team as a result of their dedicated work. Watch Ben walk through a real team's results, by Lens.
The Guided Path is a light touch coaching experience with a complete, holistic, productive intact challenge for a leader and their team. This experience takes the rich and robust foundations of Team Elements to a highly consumable format.
With The Guided Path you get access to the Team Elements Model, App, Videos, and Guided Conversations through the five stages of the Path. These five stages include, Kicking It Off, Finding Focus, Doing The Work, Checking Momentum, and Seeing The Change. The Team Elements Methodology uses data to bring teams to the point of authentic ownership.
When a Guide is working with a team, they get to choose their own Focus Area and dive in. We have structured dialogue set up through the Guided Path, facilitated by the Guide, all set up via our MightyNetworks path where every team gets to shape their team's future collectively.
Ben Bratt is interviewed by Gervase Bushe about his book for the BMI Series in Dialogic Organization Development
Ben Bratt identifies critical elements of great teams to help get a strategic view on how to build your team’s strengths and confront your team’s weaknesses.
Positive drivers of increased diversity and inclusion, and shared responsibility have helped grow these numerous “social ecosystems,” but what can we do to make them more effective? Listen as Bennett shares some critical insights on teams today, and offers some concrete ways to help organizations, leaders, and team members become more successful.
If you’re like most people, you spend huge parts of your week in Teams, either at work, play, or home. When we ask our clients to count the number of Teams they’re on, they often say 9…or 15…or 24. We live busy lives, and our activities are arranged to be accomplished in small social systems that have a purpose, intend to get things done, and in which we are interdependent with each other to accomplish what we want...
Look at your Team. Look closely. What do you see? Maybe faces around a meeting table, boxes on an organization chart, line items in a budget, cooks in the kitchen, nurses in an operating room, friends on the soccer field? No doubt, these are the most visible manifestations of your Team. They are the “things” you see, that you can make sense of and that you believe participate in a world of influence with you. But is that it? Or is there more to see? It depends on how we look at them...
So, we are getting ready to see some Teams. We just need three things: 1. A way of seeing – a set of lenses – to help bring into our field of view four primary dimensions of Team experience, to cut through the fog, to see the unique constellations of what goes on within our team. 2. A way to talk about the quality of the things we see when we look through those four lenses. 3. A simple starting point, a port of departure for our foray into this messy and opaque world of teams...
One of the reasons I find it easy to be passionate about helping Teams improve is because they are so deeply woven into our daily experience and existence. First, whether you sense it or not, you’re a non-stop consumer of things that Teams produce. That Grande Latte? The newly repaved road that made your commute smooth? The healthcare so expertly provided in the Emergency Room? It’s hard to think of an example wherein some way, a Team of people didn’t make that “thing” come to life for you...
A world of hope, a collective leap of faith. Transformation of any type invites us to an imagined future. It asks us to lay down our tired assumptions and well-worn methods to embrace new ideas and almost unimagined possibilities. It begs us to see incremental change as an imposter. It asks us to suspend disbelief and take a leap of faith. Organizational transformation is no different...